For a list of all members of this type, see DataObjectRow members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| DbName | Retrieve the DbName Property of the Entity (Data Object) that this DataObjectRow refers to. |
| EntityColumns | An array of EntityColumn objects representing all of the columns that are referenced in the FilterString Property. |
| FilterString | The filter string should be valid, standard SQL to be added to the 'WHERE' clause sent to the Data Source. This filter string can include Exago system parameters (e.g. @userId@) or custom SQL including subqueries (e.g. IN (SELECT EmployeeID FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID <4) ). The Filter String must contain the actual name of objects in the Data Source (e.g. tables, views, columns, etc...) (the Entity.DbName Property) rather than their Exago aliases. |
| ObjectName | Representation of the Entity (Data Object) that corresponds with this row filter. Can be ether the Entity DbName Property or Id Property. |
See Also