Namespace | Description |
WebReports.Api | Contains the Api Class which is the main point of interaction between Exago BI and the host application. Required inclusion in all session assemblies. |
WebReports.Api.Common | The Common namespace contains classes used to manage reports and folders. |
WebReports.Api.Data | The Data namespace contains classes used to interact with Data Sources. Since Entities (Data Objects) and Joins can be system-level or report-level, objects for interacting with them are in the WebReports.Api.Reports Namespace instead of here in the WebReports.Api.Data namespace as one might expect. |
WebReports.Api.Execute | The Execute namespace contains classes for handling report and schedule executions. |
WebReports.Api.ReportMgmt | The ReportMgmt namespace contains classes for interacting with report management mechanisms, including the Storage Management system. |
WebReports.Api.Reports | The Reports namespace contains classes used to interact with reports, entities (data objects) and joins. Since Entities (Data Objects) and Joins can be system-level or report-level, they are included in this namespace. |
WebReports.Api.Roles | The Roles namespace contains classes used to interact with roles. |
WebReports.Api.Scheduler | The Scheduler namespace contains classes used to schedule reports and for interacting with Scheduler Services. |
WebReports.Api.Theme | The Theme namespace contains classes related to color themes of charts, reports, CrossTabs and ExpressViews. |