Exago .NET API Documentation
WebReportsApi Assembly

The WebReportsApi.dll assembly is the main reference point for classes and methods that allow programmatic access to Exago BI using the .NET API. Embedding host applications must have a hard link to the assembly. Whenever Exago BI is updated, the host application and any extensibility assemblies must be recompiled to the updated assembly.

Any breaking changes are noted in the Updating Guide located on our Support Center.


Contains the Api Class which is the main point of interaction between Exago BI and the host application.

Required inclusion in all session assemblies.

The Common namespace contains classes used to manage reports and folders.

The Data namespace contains classes used to interact with Data Sources.

Since Entities (Data Objects) and Joins can be system-level or report-level, objects for interacting with them are in the WebReports.Api.Reports Namespace instead of here in the WebReports.Api.Data namespace as one might expect.
The Execute namespace contains classes for handling report and schedule executions.
The ReportMgmt namespace contains classes for interacting with report management mechanisms, including the Storage Management system.

The Reports namespace contains classes used to interact with reports, entities (data objects) and joins.

Since Entities (Data Objects) and Joins can be system-level or report-level, they are included in this namespace.
The Roles namespace contains classes used to interact with roles.
The Scheduler namespace contains classes used to schedule reports and for interacting with Scheduler Services.
The Theme namespace contains classes related to color themes of charts, reports, CrossTabs and ExpressViews.