Exago .NET API Documentation
EntityCollection Class Methods

WebReports.Api.Common Namespace : EntityCollection Class

For a list of all members of this type, see EntityCollection members.

Public Methods
Public MethodAdd a new Entity (Data Object) to the collection of Entities. This method should be accessed via Api.Entities.  
Public MethodReturn an EntityColumn object, representing the column belonging to the Entity requested by the  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Retrives an entity by it's Name or Id property  
Public MethodRetrieves an Entity (Data Object) by its DbName Property. If the dataSourceId argument is provided, the Entity (Data Object) must exist in that Data Source.  
Public Method Seach the entities by Id or by DbName for the indicated entity name If the id is located as an Id or DbName then return the associated entity name. If not found return the id itself  
Public MethodCreate a new Entity object and add it to the collection.  
See Also


EntityCollection Class
WebReports.Api.Common Namespace