Exago .NET API Documentation
wrApiAction Enumeration
Example Example 
WebReports.Api Namespace : wrApiAction Enumeration
Describe what action the Web Application user interface should take when it launched via the GetUrlParamString Method. Set the Action Property of the Api Class with one of these members.
public enum wrApiAction : System.Enum 
Default0If a report is loaded as the active report, execute the report (same as ExecuteReport Field). If there is no active report, launch the full user interface (same as Home Field)
EditReport3Open the active report into its corresponding Designer (e.g. Report Designer, Dashboard Designer, ExpressView Designer, Chained Report Wizard)

Execute the active report into its viewer or as an exported file.

Set the output type by setting the ExportType Property of the ReportObject Class.
Home1Launch the full user interface, and open to the Getting Started page.
NewAdvancedReport4Start the Advanced Report Designer.
NewCrossTabReport5Start the CrossTab Report Wizard.
NewDashboardReport7Start the Dashboard Designer.
NewExpressReport6Start the Express Report Wizard.
NewExpressView8Start the ExpressView Designer.
ScheduledReportsManager10Open the Schedule Manager.
ScheduleReport9Start the Schedule Report Wizard to schedule the active report.
Set an active report in the Api object for any action that requires it (e.g. EditReport, ExecuteReport, ScheduleReport) before launching the session. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
Execute the report Development Operations\Failed Builds in the Report Viewer
ReportObject myReport = api.ReportObjectFactory.LoadFromRepository(api.ReportObjectFactory.GetReportId("Development Operations\\Failed Builds"));
myReport.ExportType = wrExportType.Html;

api.Action = wrApiAction.ExecuteReport
Start the ExpressView Designer
api.Action = wrApiAction.NewExpressView;
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


WebReports.Api Namespace