Exago .NET API Documentation
ReportScheduler Class Methods

WebReports.Api.Scheduler Namespace : ReportScheduler Class

For a list of all members of this type, see ReportScheduler members.

Public Methods
Public MethodSchedule the Api object's active report to run on a daily interval.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Schedule the Api object's active report to run every N number of days.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Schedule the Api object's active report to run every weekday.  
Public MethodSchedule the Api object's active report to be executed immediately.  
Public MethodSchedule the Api object's active report to run every N months.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Schedule the Api object's active report to run every month with a relative recurrence period (e.g. "on the third Wednesday of the month" or "on the last day of the month")  
Public MethodOverloaded. 

Schedule the Api object's active report to run every month on a specific day of that month (e.g. when numericDay is 30, the schedule will run on the 30th of every month.

If the month does not have that day (e.g. February does not have 30 days) then the schedule will be adjusted back to the closest day to insure the schedule is executed (e.g. the schedule will run on February 28 instead).

Public Method

Schedule the Api object's active report to run only a single time.

Public MethodOverloaded. Schedule the Api object's active report to run every N weeks.  
Public Method Schedule a report to be run on a yearly interval. Report will be executed until the recurrence completion conditions have been met  
Public MethodOverloaded. Schedule the Api object's active report to run every year.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Schedule the Api object's active report to run year on a specific day of the year.  
Public MethodDelete a scheduled job by providing the job's ID. The job will be first stopped and the cache cleared before it is deleted.  
Public MethodCompleted and canceled schedules and archives may be periodically removed from the list by calling this method.  
Public MethodRetrieve a list of configured Scheduler Service hosts in the configuration.  
Public MethodRetrieves a list of ApiReportScheduleInfo objects based on the schedule name (the same as the Schedule Name column in the user interface Schedule Manager). (Similar to GetFirstApiReportScheduleInfoByScheduleName Method).  
Public MethodRetrieves the first schedule job with the matching name, since schedule names are not required to be unique. To retrieve a list of matching schedules by name, use the GetApiReportScheduleInfoListByName Method instead.  
Public MethodRetrieve information about a specific Scheduler Service in the configuration.  
Public MethodRetrieve a list of Scheduler Service jobs, organized by Scheduler Service host.  
Public MethodRetrieve the status of a scheduled report job, by providing the index of the Scheduler Service host and the job's ID.  
Public Method

Returns the ReportScheduleInfo with the jobId provided. If none is found, an exception is thrown

Public Method

Sets the parameters used in the execution to the Parameter Collection from the Api, or one created by the user.

Public MethodChange an existing schedule (provided via a ReportScheduleInfo object) to a Daily recurrence pattern.  
Public Method Convenience method that sets the provided ReportScheduleInfo's RecurrencePattern to Monthly with provided parameters.  
Public Method Convenience method that sets the provided ReportScheduleInfo's RecurrencePattern to Once with the provided parameters.  
Public Method Convenience method that sets the provided ReportScheduleInfo's RecurrencePattern to Weekly with provided parameters.  
Public Method Convenience method that sets the provided ReportScheduleInfo object's recurrence pattern to yearly  
Public MethodUpdate an existing Scheduler Service job with new information.  
See Also


ReportScheduler Class
WebReports.Api.Scheduler Namespace