| Name | Description |
| BatchCategory | The folder that contains the Data Object with the batch schedule recipients list in it. |
| BatchEmailCcList | A list of e-mail addresses that will receive a carbon copy (CC) of the schedule's output summary e-mail. |
| BatchEmailToList | A list of e-mail addresses that will receive a copy of the schedule's output summary e-mail. |
| BatchEntity | The Data Object with the batch schedule recipients list in it. |
| BatchField | The name of the field/column inside of the BatchEntity Property with the batch schedule recipients list in it. |
| ClientTimeZone | The time zone of the user who created this schedule, as a NodaTime.DateTimeZone object. |
| ClientTimeZoneName | The time zone of the user who created this schedule, as a string. |
| CompanyId | This schedule's assigned Company ID value, used for visibility in the Schedule Manager. |
| EmailBccList | A list of e-mail addresses who will receive the schedule's output as blind carbon copy (BCC), as a list of strings. |
| EmailBody | The body of the e-mail that will be sent to all recipients. |
| EmailCcList | A list of e-mail addresses who will receive the schedule's output as carbon copy (CC), as a list of strings. |
| EmailReplyToList | A list of e-mail addresses that will be included in the Reply-To header of the schedule's output e-mail. |
| EmailSubject | The subject line of the schedules output e-mail message. |
| EmailToList | A list of e-mail addresses who will receive the schedule's output as primary recipients, as a list of strings. |
| FormattedEmailBody | The body of the e-mail that will be sent to all recipients, but with the value of any non-hidden parameters included. |
| FormattedEmailSubject | The subject line of the schedules output e-mail message, but with the value of any non-hidden parameters included. |
| IncludeReportAttachment | Whether or not the report's output file will be attached to the e-mail message. |
| IsBatchReport | Indicates if this is a batch report. |
| IsEmailNow | Indicates if this schedule was created by a user using the Email Report Immediately feature. |
| IsExecutionCache | Indicates if this is an Execution Caching job. |
| IsImmediate | Indicates if this job is to be executed immediately. |
| IsSynchronous | Indicates if this job is synchronous (remote execution) or asynchronous (not for remote execution). |
| RangeEndDate | The date when this schedule's recurrence will end. |
| RangeNOccurences | The number of occurrences that this schedule will execute before it ends. |
| RangeStartDate | The date this schedule will start. |
| RecurrencePattern | The type of recurrence this schedule has, as one of the ReportScheduleInfo.RecurrencePatternType Enumeration members. |
| RecurrenceRange | The range, or how long the schedule will recur its executions for, as one of the ReportScheduleInfo.RecurrenceRangeType Enumeration members. |
| RepeatEvery | Indicates if this schedule should execute once, or more than once within its recurrence period. |
| RepeatEveryEndTime | The time that the repeating of this schedule should stop. |
| RepeatEveryHours | The number of hours between repeated scheduled executions. |
| RepeatEveryMinutes | The number of minutes between repeated scheduled executions. |
| ReportBaseName | The name of the report that this schedule job executes, without its path from the root. |
| ReportName | The name of the report that this schedule job executes, including its path from the root. |
| ReportType | The type of report that this schedule executes. |
| ScheduleName | The name of this schedule, as it appears in the Schedule Name column of the Schedule Manager. |
| SchedulerJobType | The type of schedule this is. |
| ScheduleTime | The time the schedule executes. |
| SendReportInEmail | Indicates if the reports output should be sent in an e-mail or saved to disk. |