public class ReportScheduleInfoDaily : ReportScheduleInfo
An extension of the ReportScheduleInfo base class, a ReportScheduleInfoDaily object describes a schedule with a daily recurrence pattern.
public class ReportScheduleInfoDaily : ReportScheduleInfo
using NodaTime; ... ReportScheduleInfo newSchedule = new ReportScheduleInfoDaily() { ... // Include basic options // Range of recurrence, every N days, or every weekday DailyPattern = ReportScheduleInfo.DailyPatternType.EveryNDays, EveryNDays = 2, // N days // End date (optional): RangeEndDate = new LocalDate(2017, 12, 25), // End on a specific date RangeNOccurences = 10, // Or end after N occurrences // intraday recurrence (optional): RepeatEvery = true, // Enable intraday recurrence RepeatEveryHours = 4, // Repeat every N hours RepeatEveryMinutes = 0, // And N minutes RepeatEveryEndTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Parse("12:00 PM").Ticks) // Optional end time }