Exago .NET API Documentation
ShowDashboardNewVisualizationButton Property
WebReports.Api.Roles Namespace > General Class : ShowDashboardNewVisualizationButton Property
Display/Hide the Visualization item in the New Tile Menu and Tile Properties Pane of the Dashboard Designer.Display/Hide the Visualization item in the New Tile Menu and Tile Properties Pane of the Dashboard Designer.
public System.bool ShowDashboardNewVisualizationButton {get; set;}

Property Value

True if users should be able to create Dashboard visualization tiles, or False if they should not.True to allow creating or editing visualizations in the Dashboard Designer or False to not allow new visualization tiles or editing of existing ones.
Same as setting Admin Console > General > Feature/UI Settings > Allow Creation/Editing of Dashboard Visualizations.
See Also


General Class
General Members

Exago Knowledge Base

Feature/UI Settings
Feature/UI Settings
Dashboard Designer: Visualization Tiles