Exago .NET API Documentation
Propagate Property
WebReports.Api.Roles Namespace > Folder Class : Propagate Property
Determines if all of a folder's sub-folders should also be included in the FolderCollection and share the same properties when added. This can be helpful if a folder has many children but a few (or none) of them should be available (or restricted) in the Role.
public System.bool Propagate {get; set;}

Property Value

True if a folder's sub-folders should be included and have the same read-only property. False if only the named folder should be added to the collection.

Consider a directory structure of Sales Reports divided by year and quarters, like the one in this figure that has no Role restrictions on it:

Show only the Sales Reports\2020 folder in the Report Tree, and make it Read Only.
f = r.Security.Folders.NewFolder();
f.Name = "Sales Reports\\2020";
f.ReadOnly = true;
f.Propagate = false;
Display 2020 and its Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 sub-folders, all are marked as read-only except for Q4.
f = r.Security.Folders.NewFolder();
f.Name = "Sales Reports\\2020";
f.ReadOnly = true;
f.Propagate = true;

f = r.Security.Folders.NewFolder();
f.Name = "Sales Reports\\2020\\Q4";
f.ReadOnly = false;
//Propagate defaults to true when creating new folder
Show only the 2020 and Q4 sub-folder, with 2020 being read-only and Q4 not.
f = r.Security.Folders.NewFolder();
f.Name = "Sales Reports\\2020";
f.ReadOnly = true;
f.Propagate = false;

f = r.Security.Folders.NewFolder();
f.Name = "Sales Reports\\2020\\Q4";
f.ReadOnly = false;
See Also


Folder Class
Folder Members