Exago .NET API Documentation
SchemaAccessType Property (Entity)
WebReports.Api.Reports Namespace > Entity Class : SchemaAccessType Property

Determines how Exago will retrieve the schema information from the Entity (Data Object). Either use the system default, the configured column metadata (recommended) or read it from the data source each time it is needed.

In v2019.1+, the system default is to use the configured column metadata.

public wrSchemaAccessType SchemaAccessType {get; set;}

Property Value

One of the available schema access types from the wrSchemaAccessType Enumeration.
Equivalent to the Schema Access Type dropdown setting for the Data Object in the Admin Console.
Use the System Default Schema Access Type for a new Entity (Data Object)
myNewEntity.SchemaAccessType = wrSchemaAccessType.Default;
Force Reading Metadata from the System Configuration
myNewEntity.SchemaAccessType = wrSchemaAccessType.Metadata;
See Also


Entity Class
Entity Members

Exago Knowledge Base

Other Settings