public System.string LoggingLevel {get; set;}
Property Value
Provide one of the following strings:
- NONE — Turns logging off.
- ERROR — Logs application errors.
- WARN — Logs application warnings, which may be indicative of problems in the configuration, as well as all Error messages.
- INFO — Logs SQL statements, number of rows returned from each statement, and report execution information, as well as all Warn and Error messages. Report execution information includes the following:
- Execution start — Start time, @userId@ and @companyId@ parameter values, full report name and filter summary.
- Execution end — End time, runtime, @userId@ and @companyId@ parameter values and full report name.
- DEBUG — Logs a variety of debugging information that can be used to time specific parts of the application as well as all Info, Warn, and Error messages.
The arguments must match exactly for the logging level to be set.